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Artist information

Enlightenment in Academy

Prague Summer

When the dawn fell one chilly summer morning in 1995 everything started. It was a moment when Emil Adamec took the academy’s offer of switching school. At that very moment the only thing he could relate such offer to was his “Pocta Mondrianovi”, a 3D work originated from famous Mondrian 2D painting, created during his studies in School of Conceptual Tendencies. The project amazed the vice-chancellor of the Academy (also head of one of the Sculpture Schools), and revealed Emil Adamec’s talent in 3D creation. He then began to practice direct plaster modeling and experiment with real-life projects in Sochařská škola II.

Emil Adamec Gallery



Experimental Projects

Even before graduating from Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, Emil Adamec’s creativity exploded with infinite astonishing ideas and projects for the real world outside school while other students were still busy with basic training. His preeminent lifetime project “Acupuncture of Earth” was nurtured, and at the same time, the innovative architectural and sculptural project “Lugovy lokality v oblasti Českého masívu” for Bohemia and later for all Eastern European countries was created in this period. An exhibition of the latter project held in Národní galerie v Praze in 1997, gained him noticeable public recognition and encouraged him to continue realizing his projects officially for the public.

Ideological Shock

Among all projects Emil Adamec came up with during his studies in the Academy, his project for the China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium 1999 brought him to an unexpected trip and bewildering life experience that shocked his understanding of the “opposite” culture, and thus deeply affected his subsequent art. Being the only Czech sculptor amongst all sculpture masters from around the globe, he raised to the international sculpture scene smoothly due to ample recognition and appreciation rewarded for his hard work on his very first experience of working with stone. From then, his unique drapery style was further fortified with deeper studies on European baroque and Asian buddhist sculptures and Chinese gardens, Feng Shui theories, Taoist teachings from monks in the sacred mountains as well with possible locations for realization of monumental sculptures in Chinese cities.

Road to Slavery

Key West “Torsos”

During the renowned Key West International Sculpture Exhibition in USA, Emil Adamec reached a turning point of his artistic life. As one of his most significant sculptures “The Gateway” won him the first prize in 2005, the idea of sculpture points became more clear and supported his trip to the next destination - Australia.

Mount Gambier Guardian

Together with thoughts carried on from Key West, he originated his “Ten Guardians” project for Australian Aboriginals, and extended his concerns on the environment and people globally. That’s the point where his “Acupunture of Earth” project took shape. From then on, his determination of realizing this project led him to even more hard works ahead.



A diligent slave over 10 years

Over the past 10 years, Emil Adamec participated in nearly 40 international sculpture symposiums all over the world, with a record-breaking of 10 symposiums accomplished in the year 2005 alone. Neither significant fame nor wealth has been rewarded for his hard work, on the contrary, he kept working alone, while people were watching with their arms folded, in his own expenses. Even though, he chose to continue erecting acupuncture sculpture points for Earth.

Learning cultures, growing project

Every symposium means another cultural encounter for Emil Adamec. Since all his projects created in symposiums were discretely designed according to the country’s traditional culture and legends, his art evolves with his growing understanding on different cultures around the world.The Israel and Brazil Symposium in 2003, the New Zealand Symposium in 2004, the Vietnam Symposium in 2005, the Germany and USA Symposium in 2006, the Dubai Symposium in 2007, the Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, Russia and Bahrain Symposium in 2008, not only helped him to realize one more acupuncture point each time, but also elevated his art to a higher level each time.


Shining in Middle-East

In 2003, the experience of receiving an award in acknowledgement of his work “Liberty of Wind I” in Israel, his first figural monumental point with drapery style in the Middle-East, was the crucial in encouraging his determination to continue with his style thereafter.

Exhibitions Symposiums

Being a frequent participant in sculpture symposiums around the globe, Emil Adamec’s monumental sculpture are always exhibited during the symposiums. At least over 64,000 people from different places in the world have enjoyed Adamec’s work on such occasions since he started his symposium life in 1999.

Gallery Collections

Apart from symposiums, Emil Adamec’s sculptures are also exhibited in galleries and museums all over the globe such as Czech, China, USA, Italy, Hong Kong, etc since 1991.

Commissions Donations

Due the fact that Emil Adamec’s sculptures normally come in monumental size, that are created for the public, some of his works are only successfully realized with courteous support from various commissions. His first commissioned project “Gaia fountain”, a 10 tones fountain sculpted directed from the original 80 tones granite block, was a real test of both his physical limitation and mental endurance back in the year 2005. It is considered by the sculptor as “donation” for people in Prague instead of “ a commissioned work” since all he got from the project was tools for his future projects. From then on, he accomplished six more “donation” projects in Australia, Czech, Greece and Hong Kong within 3 years.

From slavery to Immortality


With the belief that his work will be part of the world heritage as messages from shamans from the past, Emil Adamec chose to continue creating as many sculptures - unforgettable messages for the future generations, as he could in his lifetime. The upcoming project “Nine Dragons”, for the latest West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong, will be realized in March 2009.

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