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Artist information

Arlindo Arez Gallery



Biennale of Sculpture of Rincón de Ademuz-Spain
Biennale of Arts of Sabugal-Portugal
Biennale of Arts of Marinha Grande-Portugal
X Biennale of International Arts of V. N. Cerveira-Portugal
X Bienal "Festa do Avante" Portugal
XI Bienal "Festa do Avante" Portugal
International Biennale Fur Bildende Kunst Áustria 2006
II Bienal of Arts of Nazaré - Portugal
II Bienal "Ambiente AR-TE" Leiria - Portugal
1st interbalkan forum of Contemporary Miniature Art 2002 (Greece)
II, IV, V, VI, Bienal of arts Marinha Grande – Portugal 2006
1ª Bienal artes Plásticas S. João da Madeira, Portugal


Symposium of Wooden Sculpture ir Sur Ene (Switzerland)
Symposium of Wooden Sculpture in Thussis (Switzerland)
Symposium "Sculpture Monumental Art Colony" Apatin (Servia)
Symposium International Sculpture e Alvor 2000 (Organization ,commissary) Portugal
Symposium International Sculpture Alvor 2001 (Organization / commissary) Portugal
Symposium International Sculpture "Hamminkeln Symposium ALPHA OMEGA" Germany
Symposium International Sculpture Alvor 2003 (Organization /commissary)
Symposium International Sculpture Portimão 2004
Symposium international Sculpture San Luís Potosi, México 2006
1º wax Carving Monumental Sculpture Ubon Ratchathani – Thailand 2006
2º wax Carving Monumental Sculpture Ubon Ratchathani – Thailand 2007
4ª festival international of arts Monastir Tunisia
II international sculpture symposium Comitan Chiapas Mexico 2006
XVI international sculpture symposium Tultepec Mexico 2007
V International Stone Sculpture Simposium Portimão 2007
I Arts festival Portimão Arte em Espaço Rural 2008 (Organization)

Prize Awards

1º Prize of Sculpture "TRANSIÇÕES 25 de Abril"
1º Prize of Sculpture "Thomaz de Mello 2001"
3º Prize of Sculpture "AmbientAr-te Leiria 2002"
Honour award 6ª Bienal Plastic Arts Marinha Grande, Portugal 2006

Documental movie

A movie documental about the work of Sculpture, Painting, engraving carried through for Alvaro Queiroz, having passed this to be part of the National Archive of the images in movement of the Portuguese Film library, for future memory

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